August 28 through September 1
for the future of every student
In the first weeks our goals are to get to know the grade 9 students-FIRE leaders-FIRE teacher, establish some expectations and share some resources for being successful in transitioning to Foothill!
Tuesday, August 29
FIRE - No travel
Establish Seating, Expectations for Academic Environment, Sign Out Procedures, and Appropriate Activities for FIRE, Podzentations This Week (1 day on Weds, Thur, or Fri - see calendar above)
- Sit together in a common FIRE zone
- Strongly suggest near front white board
- Strongly suggest establishing common tables/desks together (not spread out)
- Put phones and ear buds/headphones away
- Take attendance
- GO OVER: Podzentations in the Black Box start Wednesday
- FIRE students check in at start of FIRE for attendance
- FIRE crew leader walks the group to the Black Box
- Students dismissed to lunch after presentations
- Wednesday D105, D106, D107, E105, E106, E108, F104, F105
- Thursday F106, F107, F108, G105, G106, G108, H104, H105
- Friday H106, H107, H108, G107 (was I104), I105, I106, I108, I109
- DAILY ON ARRIVAL: What to do at start of each FIRE advisory?
- Arrive on-time
- Find a seat in FIRE zone
- Acknowledge others appropriately
- Take out FTHS agenda
- Open agenda to current week, find date/day
- What is your FIRE plan? Travel? Stay? Write it in
- What is your FIRE goal for the day? Write it in
- APPROPRIATE ACTIVITIES: Staying versus traveling
- Travel for an educational purpose only
- If you disturb other classes, no travel privileges
- NOT for getting early lunch
- NOT for social gathering in another room
- NOT for wandering around campus
- FIRE Leaders: check up on travelers daily/weekly
- Staying in FIRE room
- Finish an assignment
- Start homework
- Study for a test or quiz
- Work on a project
- Help one another with questions
- Interact with FIRE leader, teacher or students in an appropriate social manner for the environment
- Read a book quietly
- BEHAVIORS: Respect the academic environment
- Awareness of noise level - what does teacher allow?
- Awareness of activity level - what does not distract others?
- Awareness of yourself in space and time - personal space, hands to yourself, do not touch other people or their belongings
- Awareness of appropriate interactions
- Be kind
- Be appropriate
- Be aware
- Be safe
- Be clean
- Filter your own behaviors
- SIGN OUT PROCEDURES: Travel allowed Weds. - Fri. (normal week)
- Wait to be told by FIRE leader or teacher...
- After FIRE attendance
- After FTHS agenda check
- What is your room's sign out procedure? Make a plan today as a group with teacher/leader guidance
- white board (full name and destination)
- notebook (full name and destination)
- Are you expected to return and sign back in?
- Do you need a pass other than your agenda?
Wednesday, August 30
FIRE - Travel allowed with goal and sign out process
Podzentation in Black Box (building J)
- Wednesday D105, D106, D107, E105, E106, E108, F104, F105
- Sit together in a common FIRE zone
- Strongly suggest near front white board
- Strongly suggest establishing common tables/desks together (not spread out)
- Put phones and ear buds/headphones away
- Take attendance
- Check agendas for FIRE goal or usage plan
- Sign out per established process
- Not signing out? Start homework, study, read a book, etc.
Thursday, August 31
FIRE - Travel allowed with goal and sign out process
Podzentation in Black Box (building J)
- Thursday F106, F107, F108, G105, G106, G108, H104, H105
- Sit together in a common FIRE zone
- Strongly suggest near front white board
- Strongly suggest establishing common tables/desks together (not spread out)
- Put phones and ear buds/headphones away
- Take attendance
- Check agendas for FIRE goal or usage plan
- Sign out per established process
- Not signing out? Start homework, study, read a book, etc.
Friday, September 1
FIRE - Travel allowed with goal and sign out process
Podzentation in Black Box (building J)
- Friday H106, H107, H108, G107 (was I104), I105, I106, I108, I109
- Sit together in a common FIRE zone
- Strongly suggest near front white board
- Strongly suggest establishing common tables/desks together (not spread out)
- Put phones and ear buds/headphones away
- Take attendance
- Check agendas for FIRE goal or usage plan
- Sign out per established process
- Not signing out? Start homework, study, read a book, etc.
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